Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Red Tape for Landlords

I was disappointed to see the American Fork City Council unanimously add a new layer of bureaucracy, including a brand new $50 tax/fee, to those in American Fork City who may at some future point, or who now, rent their property.  I'm not yet sworn in as a City Councilman (that will happen January 6, 2014, at noon, at the historic Council Hall in American Fork) but I would have voted against this measure.  I spoke out publicly against the new tax/fee and this red tape regulation at last night's meeting (November 19, 2013).

The new measure requires property owners to pay a $50 fee to register their contact information with the city, or face several hundred dollars in fines and possible jail time.  They must also pay a renewal fee each year, even if their contact information hasn't changed.  The requirement is for those who rent their property, with some minor exceptions.

One current council member claimed we have a "conservative" council.  I have to disagree.  Conservatives don't add new layers of bureaucracy, new fee structures, and new regulations targeted at businesses and property owners (and residents!).  This new ordinance will only serve to make our city a less desirable place to live in, to do business in, and to own property in.  I believe the measure will have the opposite effect the Council intended. 

I note that Utah County already maintains property owner contact information for all property located in Utah County, including American Fork City landowners.  The county uses this information to collect property taxes annually, and this same contact information is already accessible to the police and public, at no cost to American Fork City.

Several American Fork City citizens and landowners who were present at last nights meeting also noted that the city already maintains contact information for property owners, including the phone number, through the city's utility billing system.  (In American Fork City, the utility/water bill is in the property owner's name and goes to the property owner's mailing address, not to the renter.)  One citizen commented he knows the system works because he's had test calls from the city on a number that is otherwise private.

While the current City Council voted unanimously for the measure, including Council members Rob Shelton, Brad Frost, Clark Taylor, Heidi Rodeback and Craig Nielsen, the citizens attending last nights meeting to speak during public comment were unanimous in their opposition to it! 

There seems to be some kind of disconnect between the current Council and the will of the Citizens.  That disconnect was made evident in the recent 2013 election, where a 20 million dollar bond proposal that the City Council approved of and lobbied hard for, was resoundingly defeated by over 71% of the electorate!  Two new city councilmen were also elected, defeating an appointed incumbent.  The Mayor, who had been quite popular, ended up having a closer than expected race. 

My faith in the common sense of my fellow citizens to do the right thing has been restored.  I know they are now watching what happens in our City government, and are holding elected officials even more accountable.

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